Towradgi Car Show

One of our favourite things to do on a weekend is going to car shows, well it’s definitely one of Sean’s favourite things to do and I love tagging along and practicing my photo compositions. Which I am sure any photographer can see I am not very good at yet. But here are a couple from one of our latest shows. Just so you know one of the reasons we love doing this is because it’s Sean’s dream (especially as a mechanic) to restore a 1948 Ford, which we found out recently is the same car used in the movie Grease, and he really wants a Harley Davidson. So that’s why there is often a focus on Hot Rods and Harley’s in my photos.

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Please feel free to comment on my photo’s with any pointers you may have. I always need advice on my photography.

5 Reasons to praise my husband!

I recently read a lovely post on such a great blog called 5 Reasons to praise your husband and it really got me thinking about how amazing my husband is, how much I love him and how lucky I am to have him in my life…

Just a warning this may get soppy but he deserves a little public praise!

So my 5 reasons to praise him:

1. He respects me! I love how he treats me, every word that comes out of my mouth is important to him. He listens to every comment, opinion, choice and decision and takes everything I say into account before giving his opinion or explaining to me why he may not agree. I love that, I could not imagine how hard it would be or how frustrated I would be if he didn’t respect or listen to me.

2. He loves me and tells me everyday, I know this should be an obvious one since we are married but he will never leave the house without saying it. When he gets home he says it, when we do something cool or make a decisions or sign something big like our home-loan…he says it!!! He loves me, I can never doubt that for a second!

3. He works so hard to provide for us, for our growing family, for everything we enjoy doing. I know he loves his job anyway (well most days at least), he loves being a mechanic and he loves the company he works for. But I also know he does his best at work because he wants to provide the best future for us that he can.

4. He is fun, he is incredibly funny and so much fun to be with. I love his sense of humour and how he makes me laugh all the time. Especially when I am having a bad day, which is happening more often lately cause of all the hormones raging around my poor body.

5. He is so patient and kind. He has a heart of gold and is so patient and understanding with me. But what impresses me most is how amazing he is with everyone he comes into contact with. He would do anything for a friend or his family if they asked and is always one of the first to be concerned about someone if he finds out they are not doing well.

Mostly I love my husband because of who he is. He is a wonderful man and I know he will be an amazing father, a great role-model to a son and his daughter’s first love.

I’d like to challenge you today to praise your husband, say it out-loud. He will never know what you think of him if he never hears it from you.

Nursery Ideas

Since we are moving into a new house I have been loving looking at nursery ideas and I am so excited that I am on Pinterest cause finding ideas has been fantastic.We have decided not to find out the sex of the baby so we thought we would go with a nice neutral them fr the nursery. Mostly the idea is to do something a bit vintage inspired and the main colour will be a nice green, but not overwhelming, more just subtle touches.

16 Weeks!

Wow… 16 Weeks, how quickly is this all going by? Just 4 weeks till we are half way through and ready to have our next scan!

I unfortunately haven’t been too well this last week with a horrible cold and since I can’t take any medication, it really knocked me out! But I am slowly on the mend and feeling much better already.

Thankfully the morning sickness is pretty much completely gone now (although when I was sick it came back with a bit of a vengeance).

Not too much else has changed yet although I am almost 100% sure I felt some fluttering in my belly so hopefully that will soon turn in to a proper kick! And of course the size of my belly is probably the most obvious thing to show I am pregnant. I have also been getting a little bit of broad ligament pain which has been very uncomfortable and my sleep has been very disturbed which is probably just my bodies way of training me for all the sleepless nights ahead.

But even with all these changes and experience (good or bad) it is so exciting and I am really starting to feel a bit more pregnant each time something happens.

We have also finally settled everything with the house and have our official move-in date on the 19th October. We are so happy to have it all sorted out and officially know when we get to move in.

I just can’t wait to unpack everything and start decorating the nursery, I have even got some ideas already and have been lucky enough to pick up some wonderful 2nd hand bargains.

We have decided not to find out the sex of the baby so everything we see or have gotten so far has been very neutral, which can actually be quite hard! Most things are either blue or pink, so we probably won’t get to much more till the kid pops out 🙂