16 Weeks!

Wow… 16 Weeks, how quickly is this all going by? Just 4 weeks till we are half way through and ready to have our next scan!

I unfortunately haven’t been too well this last week with a horrible cold and since I can’t take any medication, it really knocked me out! But I am slowly on the mend and feeling much better already.

Thankfully the morning sickness is pretty much completely gone now (although when I was sick it came back with a bit of a vengeance).

Not too much else has changed yet although I am almost 100% sure I felt some fluttering in my belly so hopefully that will soon turn in to a proper kick! And of course the size of my belly is probably the most obvious thing to show I am pregnant. I have also been getting a little bit of broad ligament pain which has been very uncomfortable and my sleep has been very disturbed which is probably just my bodies way of training me for all the sleepless nights ahead.

But even with all these changes and experience (good or bad) it is so exciting and I am really starting to feel a bit more pregnant each time something happens.

We have also finally settled everything with the house and have our official move-in date on the 19th October. We are so happy to have it all sorted out and officially know when we get to move in.

I just can’t wait to unpack everything and start decorating the nursery, I have even got some ideas already and have been lucky enough to pick up some wonderful 2nd hand bargains.

We have decided not to find out the sex of the baby so everything we see or have gotten so far has been very neutral, which can actually be quite hard! Most things are either blue or pink, so we probably won’t get to much more till the kid pops out 🙂