6 Months …

This was actually supposed to be a 25 week update cause working off calendar weeks he is only 26 weeks this week but according to his monthly schedule he was 6 months 2 weeks ago so what the heck I thought I would do it half way between and hope for the best… But then my darling little angel sprouted a tooth and I haven’t had a moment to myself so I could write!




Our little man has grown in leaps and bounds this last month, from saying his first word to sitting up all by himself. And of course we are loving every minute of it!
As I said he has gotten his first tooth, so now I have a sooky, clingy, dribbling little angel! I must admit compared to some teething stories I think we got one of the easier bubs for this stage but its still hard to be needed 24/7! It is very strange to see such an obvious growth in his development though and he is really starting to look more like a baby than just a plain newborn and it breaks my heart a little cause he is growing WAY to quickly now 😦


Probably one of the most noticeable achievements from this past months is his ability to talk. Whenever he wakes up from a sleep I greet him with a “Hi” or a “Hello”, now when I turn towards him the morning he smiles up at me and clearly says HI! Oh boy it gets my day started off in just the right way. Then we have had all the usual mumble jumble that comes with baby talk but we have also had the very clear “mumma” and “dadda”, although dadda is still said in a mumble jumble kind of way whereas mumma is said as one off words. So YAY mumma wins, not like this was competition or anything 😉 although I must admit after a weekend spent with daddy my Mondays are full of dadadadadadada, so I think I need to watch what Sean says to him when I’m not in the room! Flip is this kid gonna be a chatter box, just like his mommy! If he is happy he’s chatting, if his hungry he’s chatting, if he’s upset he is chatting…. There isn’t going to be much quiet time in this household and we love it!




We have also noticed how strong he is getting. He can sit up by himself for a short while and just loves standing. In fact tummy time is pretty much a thing of the past because he would much rather be on his feet than lying down so we haven’t made much progress with the rolling over (oops). But I am sure once he is sitting for longer and moving around more he can get a handle on the whole rolling thing. It did have me a little concerned at first but he is so strong in other ways that I think he is more lazy than under-developed. Plus he is concentrating more often on his fine motor skills than his gross motor skills so we will just have to see what happens next. He has a great pincer grip of his food and toys and can control his hand movements so well.


We’ve done a couple of firsts this month.
First Father’s Day, first foods, first painting, first beach outing, first words, first time sitting up alone, first time playing outside in the garden and first teeth and tomorrow is his first pool party with some of his friends. (In fact this kid has more of a social life than I do).





But the most amazing thing that has happened this month is I have fallen more in love with him, I wouldn’t have thought that could really be possible!
I still love every moment with him, every feed, every cuddle, every cry, every moan, every new experience…. Everything about him makes my heart beat faster and my life feel fuller!

I love you little monkey man!
