Home is where the heart is

Some friends and I have decided it was about time we had a home in London and who better to have a new home with than your friends.

I must admit I am pretty tired of not feeling comfortable in my own house, sharing with strangers and not feeling loved by the people I live with (not in a mean way, its just hard to care about a stranger). Even though the big move is only in July I am very excited to finally be living into somewhere I can call home especially since I am so far away from my real home. It is all very exciting and I am looking forward to many wonderful evenings on the couch with a glass of wine, 2 of my closests friends around me and the amazing discussions we will be having.  In fact besides living in a new place that I can call mine, the thing I am probably looking forward to the most is the people who I will be living with. I have never met 2 more encouraging, loving, thoughtful friends and I am honoured that we will be spending the next couple of years together.

I wish it was July already 🙂

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